Knowledge Base

Featured solutions 282 Views How do I manually insert a ticket into Deskero (as an agent)?

You can manually add a ticket through the menu on your left: just click Tickets, navigate straight to the bottom and select +Add a ticket....

Featured solutions 304 Views How does Deskero decide how to assign a ticket?

The default configuration is quite basic: Deskero sorts all the incoming tickets between the existing agents, without making any difference between the source (mail, social,...

201 Views How does Deskero assign tickets to a group of agents?

When assigning tickets to a group of agents, Deskero automatically sorts them, dividing them equally between the agents that will all share the same amount...

181 Views What do those red circles with a number inside mean?

Those are ticket counters. They remind you how many tickets you still have to reply to.

The counters only count tickets that are directly assigned...

174 Views Who can see my notes?

When you enter a note, it can be seen only by you and other agents, not by customers… it’s a great tool to exchange internal...