Getting Started

173 Views How do I configure Service Levels?

Service level agreement (SLA) policies let you set standards of performance for your support staff. Administrators can set SLA policies for the time within which agents should respond to, and resolve tickets based on ticket priorities, and set up automatic escalation rules to notify specific agents about SLA violations.

Each SLA policy has:

  • A set of targets needed for the SLA policy to be applied
  • The target time for each desired action
  • One or more actions that you choose to perform when a target is missed
  • Whether targets will be measured in business or calendar hours by priority value

When a ticket is created or updated, it runs through all of your assignment rules you’ve already set up in your Support portal account. After the rules have been applied, we run that ticket through the SLA system.

Let us see how to create an SLA to escalate a ticket and send an email on it's violation. To configure,

  1. Login to Deskero account using your login credentials
  2. Navigate to Settings → Business rules → Service levels
  3. On the right you'll see a green button +New Solution: click it to get started

  4. Enter the title and description
  5. Specify on what basis you want the system to calculate and when to start. You will have to choose from "Closing", "Reply" and "Assignation".
  6. Choose the tolerance time for the service levels if you wish
  7. Select the service level targets. For example, choose support channel, ticket type, from whom it comes and finally specify the solving time
  8. Add a new action that you want to perform. For example, assign to a supervisor and send the ticket owner an email to notify it has been escalated to a supervisor for further review.

    a) Add Missed target actions
    b) Adding the supervisor, Agent 007

    c) Add an action to send the supervisor an email

    d) Add an action to send the customer an email notifying that their request is being reviewed by a supervisor
  9. Click Confirm
  10. You can add multiple SLAs with different Targets and Actions.

SLA Policies will be used to determine the resolving time set for each ticket. You can have a default SLA policy for all customers, or have multiple SLA policies for different customer tiers, like those who are entitled to a special support package.

service levels
missed target actions