Getting Started

263 Views How do I export data?

Data stored in your Deskero account (like all your tickets or your Knowledge base items) can be easily exported in XML or json format. Exporting the data is very simple and you can download it with a few clicks.

To export ticket data:

  1. Login to your support portal using the Deskero login credentials. 
  2. Navigate to Analytics → Overview → Data export
  3. Under Ticket export, select date range to export. The date range selector allows you to choose a date range, so you can download data for different time periods .
  4. Specify ticket properties like Status, Customers, Agents, Tags, Source, Type, Area and Group. 
  5. Click on Export, and choose CSV to export the data to a CSV file.
  6. Click Download to retrieve the file. 

To export and download the entire data:

  1. Login to your support portal using the Deskero login credentials. 
  2. Navigate to Analytics → overview → Data export
  3. Under Data Export, choose the model that you want from the selection list. Ex: Customer 
  4. Select the time range for your data export. You will be prompted with different options like Last month, yesterday, today, All and Date range. The date range selector allows you to select a date range, so you can download data for different time periods.    
  5. Click on Export, and choose XML to export the data to an XML file.
  6. Click on download to retrieve the file.
Data export
ticket export
download data