Getting Started

313 Views How do I configure Email notifications?

When customers submit a new ticket or send an email to your support portal, Deskero notifies both customers and agents about the new request with a link to their support ticket automatically.

Also, Email notifications alert customers when agents replied to tickets or update them.

All email notifications are enabled by default. You can view and update them by navigating to Settings → Business rules → Email notifications


Two kinds of email notifications are available:

  • to customer: Notification templates listed here are those that are sent to customers. Click View template to see how notifications look like and click Edit to modify them. Certain notifications can be disabled by unchecking checkbox on the left.

  • to agent: These are notifications sent to agents when there are tickets assigned or changes made to tickets they handle.

How do I setup a custom sender name?
Deskero lets you choose a sender type and setup a custom sender name for your email notifications.

Configuring custom sender name:

  1. Navigate to “Email notifications”, look for the option “Personalize template emails sender type

  2. Enter your new sender name in the field “Personalize template emails sender name

  3. Click Confirm.


How do I edit a notification?

To edit notifications:

  1. Navigate to “Email notifications”, open the template that you want to edit by clicking on View template

  2. Click Edit


You can use Placeholders to add dynamic data to your notifications.

How do I enable a Email notification?

Navigate to “Email notifications”, select the notification that you want to enable.


How do I disable a Email notification?

Navigate to “Email notifications”, look for the notification that you want to disable and uncheck the checkbox.

email notifications
sender name
system notifications