Getting Started

Featured solutions 333 Views How do I make my web portal look more personal?

Now that you are on board, the first thing to do is to spice up your interface by customizing and personalizing it to look more like your brand. For that, login to your Support portal using your Deskero credentials and navigate to Settings → Customize → Portal informations.

Portal informations

Portal informations

Customer portal options

If your subscription plan allows it, you can use your own domain for your support portal using our domain mapping feature and make it look like:

Then you have to take an important decision: will you allow unregistered users to use your portal, or will you make registration compulsory? Of course, allowing them will make it easier to visitors / customers to get access to your support, but it will also make them anonymous. This might translate into more work for your agents that will need to filter and monitorize the support portal with more attention.

Do you want to make it possible to insert a ticket without registering?

Enable this to allow your visitors insert tickets without registering.

Do you want to disable customer signup?

Check this option to disallow visitors to signup.

Show feedback & chat widget on your public portal

Deskero offers you a widget to embed into your website and allow visitors/customers to submit feedback or chat.

News Options

Enable the option Show news on public portal in order to publish news/announcements on your support portal.

Knowledge base options

The next step is to decide if you want to allow visitors to access the knowledge base freely, even without registering into the software.

Allow browsing the knowledge base without registering: Tick this option to allow non-logged in users to browse through the KB. Otherwise, only the logged in customers can read the articles.

Enable knowledge Base indexing: Tick this option to allow search engine robots to index your Knowledge base articles (recommended). Keep this unchecked to block and discourage search engines from indexing your support articles.




Into the Localization & languages set of options you can activate new languages and enable them for both agents and customers.

Next thing should be inserting your brand name and the name you wish to give to the portal (which might as well be the same!) in each language. Then you should drop in a couple of lines of presentation, to explain the customer what your company or brand does: it’s not compulsory, but it will make them feel much more at home.

The Legal texts are the “boring” bit of this section: you can add there all the disclaimers and privacy policies that you might need to better protect your company and customers.




Deskero helps you personalize your support portal. See Branding your support portal - Customize logo and color set.

Multi-brand portal

Deskero allows companies to create dedicated portals for each product using a single account. Please take a look at this article for directions on how to create multi-brand portals.




Administrators can make announcements and publish news about the company. See How to add News.

domain mapping