Knowledge Base

Featured solutions 220 Views
How do I log in?

To sign in all you have to do is insert your email and your password, and that’s it!  (If you log in as an agent,...

Featured solutions 207 Views What's the dashboard?

As soon as he logged into the software, each agent will end up in his own dashboard. Here he’ll find a quick summary of the...

218 Views Can I add additional languages to the system by myself?

Nope, sorry. Only the Deskero staff can add other languages. If you need a specific language that is not yet provided please get in touch...

Does Newbie Plan support all the features?

Newbie Plan has been designed to let you freely explore all our basic features, with no time limitations. However the basic plan is by no...

186 Views How do I delete my account/support portal?

We're very sorry to see you go. You can delete your account by logging into dashboard.

To delete your Deskero account,

  1. Login to your Deskero support portal...

How long is the import and synchronization of social networks?