Business rules

229 Views How do I set up a scenario?

You may require a series of actions to execute and save your time helping your customers in a  much better way.

Scenarios let you perform a whole bunch of tasks with a single click or even automatically with predefined conditions. For example, you have a scenario to send an autoresponder for premium customers to tell them that they are special and will get help soon.

Let us see how to create a scenario to send emails automatically

To create a scenario, navigate to Settings → Business rules​ → Scenario 

On your right you'll see a green button named + New Scenario: click it to get started.

Give your new Scenario a name.

Note: In the following example we’ll be creating a scenario that automatically sends a custom email notification to premium clients. The scenario works as an autoresponder and executes as soon as a request from a top client is submitted by email.

To get the procedure started, you need to choose the execution type, conditions and actions.


Decide how you want the scenarios to be executed and choose the execution type:

The scenario will be automatically executed: Your scenarios will be automatically executed if the specified conditions are matched.

The scenario will be manually executed: Choose this if you want to execute the scenario manually when agents need it.

They can execute the the scenarios by clicking the button Execute


Type: Then choose a type. On choosing All conditions matched, the scenario runs when all the given conditions are matched.

When you choose the other option At least one of the conditions matched, your scenario executes when at least one of the conditions given is matched.

Event: Choose an event.    
           Ex: Choose A ticket is opened to execute the scenario when a ticket is submitted.

Conditions: Specify all the conditions for scenario execution. Here in the example, we want the scenario to be executed only when top clients submit requests by  email.



Now the final step is to specify the actions that will take place, and to explain to Deskero what will happen when the scenario is executed.

Click on Add new action and choose an action from the list.


In our example we are choosing the action Send an email, but there are several different possibilities.

  • Specify an email id in the field Send an email: address.
  • Enter a subject for the email in the Subject field.
  • Enter email body in the text area Text. You can use Placeholders from a list that pops up when clicked on Show placeholders.

Hit Confirm to save the changes.

Voilà! The scenario has been created. Your premium customers will now get an automated response for every ticket they submit.
