Social Networks

252 Views Connect and configure your Facebook account to Deskero

Deskero multichannel support solution helps you to extend your customer service using social media. Facebook posts and private messages can be automatically converted into support tickets with predefined rules.

Using Facebook as a support channel, your agents can follow up all your social requests right from their Deskero dashboard.

Connecting your Facebook account to Deskero:

  1. Navigate to Settings → Social Networks →  Social Network accounts.
  2. Click on the big green button + New account you see on right.
  3. Choose Facebook from the drop down menu.
  4. Now click on Authorize button to begin the authorization procedure
  5. Login using your Facebook credentials when prompted.                
  6. You need to grant permissions to Deskero in the following popup windows                                                            
  7. Permit Deskero to receive info from your public profile                                                                                                           
  8. Click on OK to let Deskero to manage your pages, send and receive your messages on your behalf.
  9. Deskero should be able to fetch your Facebook page details and access messages, so that posts can be imported to Deskero automatically.
  10. Select the page which you want to import the data from.
  11. You need to decide if you want Deskero to handle admin posts of the page by selecting Import admin posts, so that both admin posts and comments by your customers will be imported to your helpdesk.
  12. Check the option Import messages to download direct messages.
  13. Select Daily monitoring for this account to monitor your Facebook activity and your competitors via the  Deskero social monitoring interface.
  14. Choose Basic: automatic assignment for automatic assignment of the tickets submitted via Facebook, or Advanced assignment for special rules.

    When Basic: automatic assignment is set, the system takes care of ticket assigning. Deskero sorts all incoming tickets between the existing agents, without making any difference between the source (mail, social, website feedback etc.).

    For example, if you have two different agents they’ll receive a ticket each and the workload will be evenly shared between them. Basic: automatic assignment is set by defaultAdvanced: manual assignment- Administrators may create custom rules for dispatching tickets to a particular team or agent.
  15. Click on Confirm to save the details.
social media
social network