
256 Views How to access and manage Customers

Deskero support portal provides an advanced interface for customer base and customer management. You can manage your customers and their support requests right from here. The section Customers enables you to manage your customer details and browse through ticket history.

Customer data can be accessed by navigating to the menu Customers on the left panel of your Deskero Dashbaord.  


View the entire list of your customers under Your customers. You can sort and review customer data using smart filters and the search box. 

  1. Sort by order or date: You can sort list of customers in ascending / descending order by names and use Date added ascending or Date added descending to sort by date of registration.
  2. Client Status: Deskero provides you an option Customer is a Top client to mark a customer to be top. You can sort customers based on the status.
  3. Type: Select the type of customers you want to search.  Choose customers based on their primary registration type. Such as email, Web, Twitter and Facebook. If customer signed up to Deskero support portal using Twitter, you can choose the type as Twitter.
  4. Full name: Search users entering full name or the first few characters.
  5. Search Box: Enter an email address or name to find.
  6. User Profile: Select a profile and click on the name. So that you will be redirected the full profile.

Please refer Knowledge base articles to manage individual customer details and add new customers.

customer base
manage customers