
231 Views How to convert chats to tickets?

Deskero Live chat enables you to deal support requests in real time. Sometimes you may need to convert the conversations into a ticket and assign to your agents which need to be analyzed and a deep ook.

You can convert particular chat into a ticket using an option ticket from chat right from the Chat box. Tickets will automatically be assigned to agents based on predefined rules.

These are the instructions:

  • You can convert any chat conversation into a ticket. Here are the instructions:
  • At top right of the chat, you will see an arrow icon like this-  or . Click on the icon to open up a popup menu:

  • You will be prompted to confirm the ticket conversion. Click on Yes to confirm.


  • You will be redirected to a ticket creation page
  • Update the details as required. Choose an agent to assign the ticket, categorize it and choose a ticket type.
  • Hit Confirm to save.

You can also convert offline messages into tickets when your chat agents are not available online.