
236 Views How to add News

Deskero helps you make announcements and publish important updates about your product using the News section.

To publish the news, login to Deskero dashboard and Navigate to Settings → Customization​ → News       
  1. Under the tab News, you will see a list of published news (if any). Click on the big green button on right + Add news. 
  2. Enter the title for the News or Announcement.
  3. Choose a date to publish it and select a language. Check Visible
  4. Edit the text of the news or explain the event in the description field.
  5. Verify once and hit Confirm to publish.

You can schedule news to be published on a selected date. Use the Date field to set a future date/time when you want the post to be published.  Make sure you check Visible to publish and deselect it when you want to unpublish the outdated announcements.

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